Business Improvement in Order to Increase the Competitiveness of Boost LLC

The quality of Boost LLC is recognised by European Union institutions that support our projects:

Business Improvement in Order to Increase the Competitiveness of Boost LLC

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds for the financial period 2014-2020, from the European Regional Development Fund through the “Introduction of Business Process Management and Quality Management (ISO and similar standards)”.

The project was approved in terms of in business enhancement and capacity stenghtening the Boost capacity by implementation of internationally recognized standards, in order to achieve the defined goals. Specifically, the company has invested in the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standard implementation and certification. The goal was to increase their own competitiveness by applying network marketing solutions, thus creating the preconditions for business volume growth, maintainance the existing and opening of new workplaces, as well as revenue growth. In particular, successful implementation of the investment resulted in (among other things):

  • Increase in sales revenues and realization of export revenues.
  • Maintain the existing and opening of new workplaces.
  • Optimization of 9 business processes.
  • Productivity increase by 20-25%.
  • Transparent and optimal documentation management has lead to operational costs reduction (10-15%), the possibility of human error was eliminated and a succession plan was secured.
  • By taking corrective actions and non-compliance monitoring, company is offering (only) top-quality services and has prevented future non-compliancies.
  • By developing all risks scenarios, they are minimized and the company can adapt to all dangers and changes.
  • Clear and systematic data care is taken to prevent copying.

Total value of the project is HRK 368.255,00, of which HRK 208.257,10 is non-refundable.

The project implementation period is from 02.10.2018. to 02.10.2019.

User: Boost LLC Address: Fra Grge Martića 6, 10 408 Velika Mlaka

Contact person:

  • Vitomir Lučić, Director
  • Contact phone: +385 91 233 3606
  • Contact person E-mail address:

Relevant institutions contact:

The content of this publication is the exclusive responsability of Boost LLC